
A digital platform outfitted for fire stations in Seattle that seamlessly connects to regional emergency response systems






4 Designer


36 Hours Design Hackathon


36 Hours Design Hackathon


Figma, Figjam,


Figma, Figjam,

  • Overview

Seattle Fire Department experienced an 

overwhelmingly high call volume in 2023…

The Seattle Fire Department saw a nearly 5% increase in call volume, responding to a record

setting 111,319 incidents. The rapid increase in the number of incidents has prompted the 

Seattle Fire Department to start considering how to better manage and communicate

  • The problem

Fire department teams lack a integrated platform to optimize their emergency response

Currently the incident management, resource allocation, and post-incident reporting processes are fragmented, leading to delays in response times, inefficient resource utilization and a lack of comprehensive data analysis for informed decision-making

HMW create a digital platform for the Seattle Fire Department in order to optimize emergency response efforts and improve overall operational efficiency?

HMW create a digital platform for the Seattle Fire Department in order to optimize emergency response efforts and improve overall operational efficiency?

HMW create a digital platform for the Seattle Fire Department in order to optimize emergency response efforts and improve overall operational efficiency?

HMW create a digital platform for the Seattle Fire Department in order to optimize emergency response efforts and improve overall operational efficiency?

HMW create a digital platform for the Seattle Fire Department in order to optimize emergency response efforts and improve overall operational efficiency?

how do we start it in a short time?

Considering our time allocation, we decided to focus on researching user personas and user workflows

  • Persona

  • User flow updates

Check our solutions

All in one platform!

Task 1

Exchange information and synchronously update incident details

Task 2

Write an incident report promptly

Task 3

Uncover past reports and analyze the data

This was my first time participating in a hackathon... Even though I didn't win, I gained a lot of experience.

  • Effective division of task improves design progress

Due to the tight schedule and the fact that my teammates and I didn't know each other beforehand, we needed to leverage our individual strengths for division of labor right from the start. This way, the design progress could be advanced more effectively.

  • Storytelling is the key to success or failure

In a short design period, it is crucial to quickly and effectively connect design ideas and solutions. This involves clearly articulating the design approach, ensuring that each step logically follows from the previous one, and addressing any potential issues in a cohesive manner.

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