
An mobile app helps volunteers match medication efficiently






3 Designer

2 Marketing


Dec. 2022 - Feb. 2023


Dec. 2022 - Feb. 2023


Figma, Sketch, Photoshop, Miro


Figma, Sketch, Photoshop, Miro

  • Overview

The MediConnect app streamlines volunteers' workflow by providing an integrated platform to match patients in medicine-deprived areas with donors across China during the pandemic.

180 Mins to 6

Streamlined workflows significantly decrease task completion time

15 Calls to 4

Clear instructions reduce calls needed for the whole process.

85% User Satisfaction

Most users rate our product 5/5!

  • Background

"Please help! My grandma is out of medicine. She lives in a tiny village alone!"

In December 2022, following China's end of its zero-Covid policy, there was a sudden surge in Covid cases and a shortage of medicine, particularly in rural areas.

Patients began posting requests for medicine on various social media platforms, and those with extra supplies donated them. Vulnerable groups in under-medicated rural areas suffered from illnesses…

Thousands of volunteers, without prior experience, devoted themselves to the campaign. However, The medical matching process is difficult…

Unstreamlined workflow, unclear work platforms hinders volunteer task completion and leads to low efficiency of task completion

Design Goal

An integrated platform to aid volunteers in delivering medicines from donors to patients

  • Solution

an efficient and easy donor-patient matching platform

This digital framework helps the organization manage donor-patient cases and future match-making scenarios. It includes volunteer onboarding, streamlines matching, and a simple call-for-help system.

Due to the rapid spread of the covid, we must plan efficiently to ensure the product can be quickly adopted by volunteers…

We all know volunteers need help. but what are the biggest problems and challenges they face?

To collect in-depth information on people's thoughts, experiences, and pain points about volunteer daily work , we conducted 9 interviews with 4 Volunteers, 1 organizer, 2 donors and 2 patients

After documenting the process of delivering a medication from donors to patients, we discovered how chaotic and complex the current steps are…

based on the existing journey map for volunteers, we summarized three key pain points for volunteers


Difficult to perform tasks without instructions

The volunteers expressed dissatisfaction, stating they lacked sufficient instruction prior to embarking on the task


Difficult to perform tasks consistently

Volunteers found they'd have to communicate with diverse stakeholders throughout the task. Each one was inconsistent


Difficult to track real-time information

Owing to poor organization, volunteers often struggle to monitor the status of their cases and updated info.

HMW assist volunteer group to optimize the workflow of distributing medicine from donors to rural patients?

  • Ideation

Redefine the user flow for volunteer tasks to Simplify steps and improve efficiency

Given our time constraints, we need to prioritize the MVP features

Due to the constraints of time, we sorted and prioritized these ideas based on their compatibility with the volunteer group’s requirement technical feasibility with our engineering team. Consequently, we opted to implement the ideas in two distinct phases.

  • Design

Time to sketch MVP features on paper to construct key user flows

  • Test and Iteration

Can MediConnect truly solve volunteers’ pain points? Let’s evaluate!

We gathered feedback on our prototype through 4 volunteers testing sessions.

From these sessions, we identified 8 potential improvements and prioritized them to determine 4 high-priority key pages.

Cases Homepage

Version 1

• Setting up two tabs, 'Pending' and 'complete' are unnecessary

• The act of calling beneficiaries should not appear before claimed cases

Version 2

• The filtering settings are not set up reasonably enough.

• The integration between claimed cases and card content is not tight enough.

Version 3

• The expansion and contraction of card content need optimization.

Final Design
• The filtering settings are clear, allowing volunteers to easily find the cases they want by using filters.

• The card content display is clear, enabling volunteers to browse through all cases easily and claim cases.

Match donors and medication

Version 1

• Use map view to visualize locations of donors and patients to help volunteers find the closest match is not reasonable

Version 2

• Replace map with the donor list to eliminate distraction, only showing the donors' distance and their donation details

Version 3

Display all needed supplies and donations in one page, so that volunteers could manually match and contact donors without switching pages back and forth

Final Design
• With the help of the system's automated pairing function, various medication combinations are offered to volunteers. They no longer have to pick manually, slashing the amount of time required for drug distribution.

Track Medicine delivery

Version 1

• All logistic information is in one area, making it difficult for volunteers to check the progress of individual packages

Version 2

• Split up individual delivery information for easy viewing of progress. But can't see the contents of the package quickly.

Version 3

• Separate the donor from the delivery sent and label the contents of each delivery. Provide volunteers with clear information on packages sent for easy tracking

Final Design
• Label the medication and donors information for the packages in the card information, set a progress bar to view the status of the case and the timeline of package delivery. Volunteers can clearly view the status of individual cases.

See how our users talk about Mediconnect!

We have been racing against time, hope to help patients receive timely assistance. We know this is a significant challenge, but we have still learned a lot…

  • Empathy is the key

In this project, we conducted numerous interviews with individuals who were ill or vulnerable. Grasping the needs of one another through empathy and converting them into actionable functionalities remained a crucial element in propelling the project ahead.

  • Prioritization of decision-making

Time was a significant challenge for this project. As the patient count grew daily, generating the design expediently and effectively became tougher for our group. Working together, we established the benchmarks and ordered the elements required to finalize the MVP.

  • Negotiate with multiple stakeholders

Through many rounds discussions with diverse stakeholders, we figured out how to align their requirements. By showcasing our design thoughts and statistics, and recapitulating discussions with users, we succeeded in persuading the stakeholder to buy our proposal.

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