Who am I ?

This is Yuxiang, now in Charlotte after completed my academic career at University of Pennsylvania. The fun fact I really like sweet thing! In my spare time, I enjoy basketball , travelling and cooking. I have a deep appreciation for wandering aimlessly through the city, taking in the sights and sounds without any particular destination in mind. I love to observe the bustling pedestrians, the variety of shops. There's something fascinating about the spontaneity of it all—the way people interact, the ever-changing storefronts, and the unique character of each neighborhood.

What I did?

From Architecture to Product Design

Three-year academic journey honed my creativity, yet it often felt self-indulgent. Architecture does consider the user, but product and UX design place a much stronger emphasis on user experience. I find myself drawn more towards solving genuine user problems and enjoy rapidly iterating design ideas and products.

Anything else?

Let' s Connect!


Let' s Connect!
